Dreaming about an Ex-Lover Having a New Lover – Good or Bad Omen?

Dreaming about an Ex-Lover Having a New Lover

Dreams will reflect part of your current life. If you’re dreaming about an ex-lover having a new lover, it will carry many different messages depending on the context. Let’s join Balato8 to decode in detail the common cases when dreaming about this scene.

Explaining common cases when dreaming about an ex-lover having a new lover

Is dreaming about your ex having a new lover a good or bad omen? In fact, this can be interpreted in many different ways. Depending on the level of affection for your ex, it will carry the following messages:

Dreaming about ex having a new lover continuously

What does it mean if you dream about your ex having a new lover over and over again? It is likely that you are in love with your new lover but some memories with your ex are hard to forget.

Although this is very normal, your current lover will be quite upset. If you do not try to change your thinking, it will not be long before the two of you have conflicts. Worse, it will lead to a breakup.

Dream of ex-lover marrying new lover

If you dream that your ex has just gotten married, it means that you have ended all thoughts and feelings for them. This is also the time when you are completely ready for a new relationship.

The past is always the past, so we need to live for ourselves more. Thanks to that, the new relationship will be good and sustainable. Besides, there is a high possibility that you will meet a new person who is very good. They will take care of you and love you.

Dreaming of an ex-girlfriend having a new lover who is an acquaintance

When you dream of this dream, it means that in your current job, there will be many different competitors from different fields. They are quite cunning elements, so they will make you feel scared, even harmful in many things. Therefore, this is the time for you to be careful with the relationships around you, especially your close friends.

Explaining common cases when dreaming about an ex-lover having a new lover
Explaining common cases when dreaming about an ex-lover having a new lover

Dream of ex-lover having a new lover who is an old friend

If in your dream you see your ex-girlfriend with a new lover but it is an old friend, this is a bad omen. This is the time when you need to be very careful about your finances. 

Maybe in the near future you will be faced with investment decisions. But this is not the right time for you to do it. So you need to be alert and make the best decisions for yourself.

At the same time, this dream is also warning the dreamer about the friends around because there is a high possibility that they want to harm you. Therefore, you should not trust others too much because it will cause you to be hurt.

Dream of ex-lover having a new lover but just broke up

If you dream about your ex, it means that you still have feelings for them and want to get back together with them. However, this is not the time to do so and you should give up hope. New relationships will be better because they are likely to love and pamper you more than your ex.

Dreaming about my ex having a new lover but still texting me

This dream shows that you two still have a relationship with each other. But you are entangled by something that makes it difficult for you two to get back together. Because of this, the dreamer cannot think thoroughly and easily loses current relationships. So at this time, you need to focus more on the present and invest in the relationships around you.

Dreaming of my ex having a new lover and introducing them to me

When you dream about this dream, it means that you are very stressed and tired with many difficulties ahead. Because no one understands you you can share. Maybe right now you really need spiritual support to support you.

What number should I bet if I dream that my ex has a new lover?

What number should I bet if I dream that my ex has a new lover?
What number should I bet if I dream that my ex has a new lover?

In addition to the explanations about the meaning of the case when dreaming of an ex-lover having a new lover, it also brings many different numbers to help you win big. Specifically as follows:

  • If you dream about your ex having a new lover many times, then immediately play the lottery pair 49-02.
  • If you dream that your ex has a new girlfriend while you are dating, immediately bet on 12-05.
  • If you dream of going to your ex’s wedding, you should try your luck with the numbers 35-76.
  • When you dream that your ex is dating a new girlfriend but they are close friends, immediately bet 25-78.
  • If in your dream you see your ex and new lover hanging out together, immediately bet 22-68.


The above article from the Balato8 blog section has explained in detail each case when dreaming of an ex-lover having a new lover in the most detail. At the same time, we also provide lucky numbers to help you earn more profit. Always accompany the website to discover more interesting articles.