Learn How To Get Rich From Raising Fighting Chickens here

Get Rich From Raising Fighting Chickens

Nowadays, in many areas, people get rich from raising fighting chickens. When they know, many people want to learn how to implement the model and what work needs to be done to increase production. In the article below, Balato8 will update the content to share with you.

The obvious benefits of raising fighting chickens

In the Philippines, there has been a long-standing livestock industry, but in recent years it has been focused on chickens for competition. This product, when properly cared for, will bring many benefits such as:

  • The profit when selling fighting chickens that meet standards, are healthy, and have good skills is very high, many times higher than that of normal breeds.
  • Although the farming process is complicated, once mastered and implemented on a large scale, the owners still do it very well.
  • There are many different breeds to choose from for raising such as bantam, domesticated, American, Asil, fighting chickens, etc. with different economic values.
  • Taking care of and training chickens is also a passion of many businesses. Even when creating warriors, they are honored as famous cockfighters.
  • After many years of raising chickens, you will have extensive experience, and know how to choose, care for, and train your fighting skills.

Techniques to get rich from raising fighting chickens

The process of getting rich from raising fighting chickens is not simple. For individuals or households who need to research more knowledge to start implementing, they need to carefully consult with those who have succeeded in this field. Balato8 has shared the summary below:

How to build a suitable cage

The space chosen to build a barn is really important. To raise a large number, you need a spacious place to live, eat, train, and release chickens to ensure hygiene and standards. To get rich from raising fighting chickens, you need to know the types of barns:

  • The common chicken cage is suitable for raising a small number of chickens, about 100 – 100,000 Pesos /product. Cheap, and simple design but generally a bit stuffy, can be used temporarily but will also limit the ability to run, jump, and fly more skills.
  • Concrete coops are designed on request and can be adjusted to be wide or narrow depending on the number of chickens expected to be raised. The advantage is that they are good at protecting against rain, sun, and monsoon winds, are sturdy for long-term use, and are comfortable for future training. The floor should be made of soil or sand, not bricks, which makes it difficult for chickens to walk, causing them to fall and suffer from foot diseases.

Breed selection is always important

Depending on your household needs, choose the right breed to achieve the goal of getting rich from raising fighting chickens. The important thing is to choose a reputable supplier, and know how to choose young healthy chickens, that have good physical strength, good potential when growing up, and have no hidden diseases.

It is best that you know clearly the origin of the parent’s choice to breed, which will create a purer and better quality next generation. You should not buy breeds that are rampant in the market and do not guarantee quality, it will be very difficult to become a fighting cock.

Care from food

Techniques to get rich from raising fighting chickens
Techniques to get rich from raising fighting chickens

To get rich from raising fighting chickens must know how to choose the right food and ensure cleanliness and adequate nutrition. When young and mature, each stage requires great care in choosing the right amount and type of food. Fighting chickens need foods rich in protein, minerals, calcium, and vitamins to increase their height, focus on strong legs, and support daily training. Suggested preparations:

  • Rice, paddy, cereals.
  • Insect.
  • Grass, green vegetables.
  • Aquatic animals.
  • Frogs, eels, toads, small fish, beef.
  • Additives like ginger, and garlic a little.
  • Vitamins, electrolytes, etc.

Select exercises

In the process of getting rich from raising fighting chickens, it is indispensable to refer to training exercises. When the chickens are about 4 months old, they need to be separated into separate cages to avoid pecking and facilitate the development of running, flying, and cage skills.

Necessary skills must be practiced such as pouncing, kicking, breathing, running, walking in the fog, rolling, etc. This helps the chicken increase its endurance, have a firmer body, know how to strike, and have strong teeth. 

Take care of your appearance and health

Take care of your appearance and health
Take care of your appearance and health

Farmers also have to combine turmeric to make the chicken skin red and thicker every day. Sunbathe for about 2 hours every day, and massage their bodies with wine to create more firmness.

In addition, pay attention to disease prevention for common diseases such as septicemia, Newcastle, dysentery, etc. Pay attention to vaccination to ensure that when they grow up, they do not get sick, and are safe to participate in the best tournaments. This way, when they are sold, they can be sold at a high price to increase income.


Above is Balato8 information sharing the profession of getting rich from raising fighting chickens to everyone. These experiences are passed down from long-standing households doing business in this field, earning billions of dong stably. Therefore, if you want to earn a huge income, you need to research carefully before starting to do it to avoid unnecessary risks.