Top 4 Most Effective Ways to Train Fighting Chickens Today

Ways to Train Fighting Chickens

Ways to Train Fighting Chickens properly to bring high efficiency. This is one piece of information that many cockfighters are interested in. The purpose is to train a smart, healthy fighting chicken with a competitive spirit. The following article of Balato8 will reveal to you the popular training methods today, follow it now!

Why do fighting cocks need physical training?

It is no coincidence that training methods for fighting cocks are so widely studied. Below are a few reasons why cockfighters want to train their fighting cocks. 

  • Only when fully trained will the fighting cocks be qualified to compete. Even if the chickens are healthy, if they are not trained, they will not be able to fight and will easily fail.
  • Training for fighting chickens will help increase endurance, overcoming all the weaknesses of the original breed. 
  • During training, physical lessons are needed according to the development process so that your fighting cock does not fall behind and lose its ability to compete. 
  • Each breed of fighting chicken has a high value, improper investment will cause economic loss and waste of time.
Why do fighting cocks need physical training?
Why do fighting cocks need physical training?

4 most effective ways to train fighting chickens today

Almost all training methods for fighting chickens help them gain more energy and fighting skills. To fully develop their fighting chickens, everyone should apply all of the methods below.

Wear weights

Wearing weights on the legs will help the chicken increase its strength and create better endurance when fighting consecutive matches. Usually, how much weight to wear depends on each different type of pet.

For fighting cocks that have been trained regularly, wearing large, heavy weights is necessary. Especially when the pet has a certain endurance, you can also carry weights for them for a long time.

However, no matter how you raise it, silverfish must meet the following standards:

  • If you see that the fighting cock’s legs are stronger and more agile, add larger weights to the fighting cock. 
  • If the chicken’s legs become weak, the breeder should stop wearing weights to avoid weakening the fighting chicken.

Run cage

Many people use cage running exercises to train fighting chickens to increase their endurance. In particular, to successfully implement this method, breeders also need to pay attention to the following points.

  • If possible, you should run the cage early in the morning when your pet just wakes up. Because this time will be the right time for the fighting cocks to retain energy after a comfortable sleep. After training, the breeder also needs to massage the chicken. 
  • For fighting chickens, it can be done by running a machine without getting used to it. 

Practice stuffing, lifting your legs to free fall

4 most effective ways to train fighting chickens today
4 most effective ways to train fighting chickens today

Ways to train fighting chickens by stuffing their legs helps the chicken’s legs become much stronger. This is a way to increase the reflexes, and jumping ability and also increase the endurance of your pets.

However, to be able to perform this exercise, breeders also need to pay attention to the following points.

  • The training site should be soft, sandy, and rock-free ground. In particular, breeders can place a pad underneath to prevent leg injuries.
  • When starting, the breeder will hold the chicken with his hands and place his right hand on the breast. His left hand will be placed on the tail, then lift them up about 30 cm, and then gently toss them down. 
  • At this time, each chicken’s task will be to flap its wings continuously to maintain balance. From there, both wings and legs will be trained equally to improve physical strength and flexibility. 
  • In the first 3 days, let the fighting cock practice about 20 times, do not overdo it. In the following days, increase the intensity to 25 times when the requirements are met and it can compete. 

Practice turning in a narrow range

One of the exercises that you should not ignore for your fighting cocks is rotating within the allowed range.

  • First, the breeder must let the cock stand upright and lean slightly forward so that the cock’s face and chest are facing down. Place the fighting cock on the ground or a cushion. 
  • Next, press your wrists against the neck and body of the chicken and use the chicken’s legs as the center of gravity. Then perform a rotating movement to make the chicken move faster. If your pet is used to this type of training, you can completely increase it over time.

Things to know when training fighting chickens

There are many and varied ways to train fighting cocks. However, you also need to know the following notes to make the training more successful.

  • For newly trained chickens, there needs to be a reasonable schedule from light to heavy.
  • Farmers should pay attention to the health of chickens during training.
  • Let the fighting cock perform movements from easy to difficult, do not apply excessive care methods.  
  • To avoid fatigue and injury, practice on time and regularly according to the habits of that fighting cock.


Thus, Balato8 has provided a full range of training methods for fighting chickens, hopefully, they will be useful to you. Just follow the above training methods to ensure that your fighting chicken will improve its health, good spirit, and outstanding fighting ability every day.